Several types of tax credits, subsidies, grants, and aid are available from ministries and organizations. Here are a few links to current programs.
Our experts are in the best position to help you navigate them and advise you!

Financial assistance for dual energy and Hydro-Québec’s Rate DT
You could receive significant financial assistance for the purchase and installation of a dual energy heating system through a partnership between the Government of Québec, Énergir, and Hydro-Québec.
Canadian subsidies for greener homes
A federal program that reimburses up to $5,000 of the cost of eligible energy-efficient renovations.
Québec government’s “Chauffez vert” program
Program to replace your oil or propane heating system or water heater with an eligible renewable energy source (e.g., warm air circulation or hydronic circulating system).
Québec government financial aid for heat pumps with the Rénoclimat and Novoclimat programs
The financial aid will vary depending on the installed system’s heating capacity in winter conditions. The higher the heating capacity of the installed heat pump, the more significant the financial aid granted will be. but financial assistance is generally $50 per thousand BTU of heating at -8°C.
Québec government’s Rénoclimat program
Program to guide home renovation work to improve your property’s energy performance.
Quebec government’s Novoclimat program
Program for the construction of new homes with high energy performance, according to specific building requirements.
Check your eligibility with our help!